Self-led Online Course by Shafaq Tirmizi

Overcome Overwhelm:

Clarity + Momentum for Dreamers & Doers

Overcome Overwhelm is a hands on 7-day online course for anyone who dreams big but feels overwhelmed about their own ambitions; who is great at being everyone’s “get-shit-done” person but struggles to execute on their own plans; who tries sticking to a routine, with little to no reduction in stress, or the motivation to do anything!

As you try to mindlessly figure things out, your stress levels go up while your performance and motivation are at an all-time low.

Together, we will go through a step-by-step framework to help you gain clarity and build momentum so you can set value-aligned goals and actually achieve them, without the added stress of feeling like a failure.

We cover the skills, mindset, and strategy you need to fuel the ambition you had initially set for yourself.

Is this online course right for you?

This course is perfect for you if...

 You struggle to maintain consistency with your goals

You want to set short- and long-term goals based on your true needs and values

You are overwhelmed by your own plans when it comes to execution

You struggle with time management and “sticking to a schedule” is not working for you

You want more clarity on what you want + why

You feel guilty for procrastinating around a deadline and want the motivation to start

You want to be more focused and efficient with your goals but often find yourself distracted

You are ready to explore unconventional strategies to build momentum

You are struggling with self-discipline but ready to put in the effort to build skills that will ensure your success and wellbeing

Overcome Overwhelm will give you tools & strategies to optimize your efficiency and dig deeper than the surface to help you rewire your current set of subconscious assumptions and beliefs that are causing the overwhelm.

Still skeptical?

Vannessa B.

I recently completed Shafaq's Overcome Overwhelm course and it truly has helped me unpack my limiting beliefs, set short as well as long term goals and implement small changes.


As I went through the course Shafaq made herself available to answer questions and customize the information shared to my particular needs. I'm grateful for her enthusiastic, positive, and supportive spirit. Shafaq is knowledgeable about her field, an excellent life coach and I highly recommend her services to others.

Sana S.

I completed the Overcome Overwhelm 7-day course under Shafaq’s guidance and I really consider myself lucky to have found her. All I can say for this program is that whether you feel like you have everything figured out but still are restless or you have no idea where your life is taking you, give this program a shot.


This course dives into the specifics. I discovered what my goal really is at this point in life, why I want it so bad, what my limiting factors are and most importantly how can I throw these limiting factors aside by rewiring my mind just a little.

Shafaq really cares about her clients and understands what people might be going through. At the same time, she will help you challenge yourself and rise above.


For me, I finally feel like I know exactly what I want, and now my challenge is to figure out how to get there. You will be blown by how deep this course takes you into your own self. Thank you Shafaq for this course!

Yuvarajan D.

I have just finished her 7-day course 'How to Quit Wishing and Set Big Goals'. The content is truly good, and I highly recommend it to everyone who has set goals but is feeling stuck, which I think is truly relevant in the era of Covid-19.


She as a coach is so engaging and constantly available for anyone who is puzzled or confused. I would also highly recommend for you to have an exploration session with her and perhaps she could be the right coach for you.

Here’s a sneak peek of the course

Like the journey of climbing a mountain, this course is designed to take you to the peak, one step at a time.

Course Perks


During the course, you have the opportunity to ask your instructor questions via email about individual lessons as you progress towards completion. If necessary, you can also schedule a short call with your instructor for guidance.


You will have the opportunity to connect with fellow students who are doing the Course with you. This is a terrific way to find accountability partners as you navigate challenges that may come up during the Course.

You may be thinking...

" I have already invested so much time in learning about productivity, and tried so many different things, this is a waste of resources, especially if it’s new and unconventional. ”

Your fear of investing in resources is VALID. Yes, it is unfamiliar territory. But only to you.

The resources and methodologies discussed in this Course have been evaluated by various successful individuals.

It’s not new, you are just getting introduced to them now. We use the exact same methods with our private clients (and ourselves), and you can see their results in the testimonial section.

It took us 5 years to learn what we offer in this Course, and we are here to accelerate that journey for you in 7 days.

Ready to experience excellence for a limited-time offer of $150

Ultimately, the price of not investing in your self-growth is higher than the cost of this course.

But if you are still not sure, we got some guarantees for you.

You can participate in the course for up to 10 days, and if you do the work and honestly feel you did not get any value from the experience, we will refund the total amount.

Course Instructor

Shafaq Tirmizi is an Accounting & Finance graduate from the University of Waterloo. She worked as an Investment Analyst for 2 years before she realized that her zone of genius lies in coaching.

Today, Shafaq is a certified Mindset Success Coach & Strategist who collaborates with high achievers to actualize their big ambitions by rewiring their mindset and strengthening their core belief system.

Her mission is to transform the relationship these high performers have with themselves so they can create massive impact for future generations without sacrificing themselves.

Still got questions?

What exactly will I get from this Course?

You will learn and master the process of setting value-aligned goals and achieving them through proven strategies and tools. Specifically:

  • Reduce mind fog, overwhelm with big goals, and align them with values

  • Create a system that works for your learning style

  • Improve your performance quality through various energy optimization techniques

  • Implement habits that increase mindfulness and align with your reward system

  • Learn self-discipline through love, instead of fear so it can be sustainable

​​Is this Course for me?

Overcome Overwhelm is an action-based and transformative course. It requires investment in time and effort into the implementation of the tools and strategies. If you are ready to dive deep into questions asked and finally gain momentum, then this Course is for you.

What is the structure of this Course?

This 7-day Course is designed to have 7 lessons - 1 lesson per day - building on top of the previous lesson. Within each lesson, there will be exercises and reflection to complete. Although the lessons are released at once, there is no pressure to complete them “on time” as this is a self-paced course. Each day, you also have office hours with your instructor in the community for the Course. In addition, you can connect with fellow students as and when you wish

What if I don’t have enough time for this Course?

Good thing, this Course teaches you time management! The lessons are designed to take an hour of your time per day on average. If this Course is a priority for you, it will also teach you how to make sure to stick to it. Having said that, this is a self-paced course, and you have life-time access to this material and any future upgrades to it. Go at your own pace.

How long will I have access to the Course materials?

You have lifetime access to the Course material and any future upgrades.

It’s time to make it official.

Hey, it’s no coincidence that you are here and that you have made it to the bottom of the page.

You are ready for the next level and the goals you have set for yourself are waiting to be achieved - it’s time to take the stress out of that equation.

Imagine what can happen in 7 days when you master your mindset and create a new relationship with your goals and yourself!